Supporting Youth through

Scouting for 109 years 

Boy Scout Troop 31​ 
Rochester, New York

Dining Room Ministry at Third Presbyterian Church

Service to our Community

Troop 31 gives back to our sponsor, Third Presbyterian Church, by supporting their Dining Room Ministry program.  Dining Room Ministry Teams of volunteers backed by Third Presbyterian Church meal planners and shoppers, provide meals on a rotating schedule. This Ministry serves over 3,000 meals per year to people of all ages. Our guests are economically diverse, from those who are homeless to those living on low or fixed incomes. Meal planners and shoppers make sure that all food, whether brought from store or garden or bulk order, is available in the kitchen each Saturday morning. DRM teams prepare, cook, serve and clean-up for each meal.

Q: How often does Troop 31 DRM team work during the year?
A: There are 10 DRM teams and each works every 10 weeks, about 5 times per year. A annual schedule is published each year and indicates when each team is assigned to work.

Q: What is the time commitment required for each Saturday meal?
A: Scouts are to arrive around 10:00 a.m. and depart around 1:00 p.m. each Saturday. Special meals or special holidays may alter this time a bit, but meals are always served at 11:30 a.m. on Saturday.

Q: What if I have a conflict and can’t serve with Troop 31 on the date I volunteered?
A: Please reach out to a fellow scout to have them cover for you.  If no response on the DRM form to the right,  notify the ASM DRM Coordinator.

Q: What tasks are involved to prepare a DRM meal?
A: Volunteer tasks may include: setting tables, preparing salads and vegetables, cooking, making coffee, serving meals to our guests, washing dishes, pots and pans, cleaning tables in the dining area and kitchen, putting things away. Every team has experienced volunteers and leaders who will provide direction for new members of the team. For many of us the highlight is interacting with our guests and welcoming them into our community. There is a lot to do and lots of fun to be had!

Q: How do the Service hours work?
A: Serving others is an intrinsic part of the scouting, yet many of Troop 31 students also have yearly guidelines that include thematic service requirements.  The scouting policy is that you may only credit hours of service for one or the other, but never both.  We recommend that each scout/student look at their independent requirement and decide how to use their hours.  You may have the Adult Adviser Volunteer or other DRM Volunteer sign off on your school requirements.