Supporting Youth through

Scouting for 109 years 

Boy Scout Troop 31​ 
Rochester, New York

Policy on Uniforms and Dues


All scouts should strive to be in full Class A uniform at every meeting, unless noted on the calendar. A points contest is held yearly in which points are awarded for complete uniforms. Full Class A uniform includes: BSA Shirt, BSA Shorts, BSA Belt, Troop 31 Neckerchief, Slide, BSA Socks and Shoes (hiking boots or athletic shoes.) (Hats are not part of our uniform.) 

If noted on thecalendar, Class B uniform must be worn.  A Class B uniform consists of a Troop 31 Tee Shirt or another BSA approved Tee Shirt and a pair of shorts (blue jeans are not acceptable).

Dues have always been part of scouting.  In the other Troops, dues are part of the funding for the programs that the Troop participates in and the fees for National membership.  Because of our Christmas tree fundraiser, true weekly dues are more about responsibility.  All boys are required to bring in $1.00 per week.  The positive collection of the dues is also calculated for the point contests.  These dues go directly back towards the boys by funding the prizes and incentives for the point contests.