Supporting Youth through
Scouting for 109 years
Boy Scout Troop 31
Rochester, New York
* Troop 31 was founded in April 1913
* Over 183 Eagle Scouts (Scouting’s highest honor)
* Program emphasizes self-reliance, character building, and leadership development
* Experienced Trained Leaders
* Scoutmaster staff - 10-15 highly trained adults, each with several years of troop leadership experience
* Troop committee - 15 members, 7 Ex-Scoutmasters, several with over 40 years of scouting leadership experience
* Troop pays a major portion of the cost for all Troop activities: including meetings, camping, and leadership training
* Financial aid available for families in need
* Monday Nights 7:00 - 8:30 September through June
* Third Presbyterian Church - Located at 4 Meigs Street (corner of East Avenue)
* Visitors always welcome
* Camping each month September through June, except December
* Massawepie – Summer Camp in the Adirondacks near Tupper Lake for one or two weeks
* For boys with 4 years of Scouting experience:
* Philmont Scout Ranch - New Mexico
* Canoe Trip - Algonquin Park – Canada
* Participation in National and World Jamborees
* Spring Trips: Hiking, Rafting, rappelling, others
* Two parent meetings per year
* Spring Parent/Son campout
* Participation in Christmas Tree sale in December
* Lots of opportunities for leadership or behind-the-scenes help if parents want to volunteer